Introduction to the EmpowerLA Virtual Governance Plan

The Los Angeles Neighborhood Council System was the first to begin bridging the distance between communities and City Hall. In moving toward holding virtual meetings, LA’s Neighborhood Councils (NCs) continue to set new standards for equitable, accessible governance. 

The EmpowerLA Virtual Governance (EVG) system supports and provides an opportunity for NCs to govern in a uniform and structured virtual environment. Virtual governance is about more than simply using teleconferencing technology. It is about creating a consistent, equitable system using a set of customized supporting protocols for holding public Neighborhood Council meetings. The EVG’s Neighborhood Council protocols conform to all local, state, and federal laws that apply to traditional public meetings. Read more about the EVG system and its development guidelines in the EmpowerLA Virtual Governance Plan

The EVG system was developed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which prohibited all private and public gatherings, temporarily suspending Neighborhood Council activities from taking place. The development of the EVG system allowed NCs to resume their meetings, while still adhering to all local, state, and federal laws. Read our interactive Storymap to see how quickly the NC system was able to adapt to this new form of governance.

On this page, are the tools, tutorials, reference guides and other resources to assist Neighborhood Councils (NCs) with running virtual public NC meetings.

EVG-Hybrid Workgroup

The Department’s EmpowerLA Virtual Governance – Hybrid Workgroup meets regularly to discuss implementation of  hybrid meetings in the NC System. The Workgroup also served as the NC advisors for the administration of the EmpowerLA Readiness Survey of NC board members. The survey polled board members on their readiness to return to in-person meetings or administer hybrid (in-person and virtual) meetings. To receive updates about their work, email to join the mailing list. The items in the following chart provides information on the Workgroup’s meeting agenda, recordings, and discussion materials. Select the topics on the left to open the window of information items displayed on the right.

General Meetings

  • 06.01.2022: EVG-H Workgroup 2.0 – Procedure Subcommittee Meeting (agenda)(recording) (minutes)
  • 06.13.2022: EVG-H Workgroup 2.0 – Protocol & Procedure Subcommittee Meeting (agenda)(recording) (minutes)
  • 06.03.2022: EVG-H Workgroup 2.0 – Logistics Subcommittee Meeting (agenda)(recording)(minutes)
  • 06.16.2022: EVG-H Workgroup 2.0 – Logistics Subcommittee Meeting (agenda)(recording)(minutes)
  • 11.29.2022: EVG-H Workgroup 2.0 – Informational Session#1-Pilot Program (agenda)(recording)(FAQ)
  • 12.1.2022: EVG-H Workgroup 2.0 – Informational Session#2 Pilot Program (agenda)(recording) (FAQ)

NC Readiness Survey Story Map and Survey Results Explorer Dashboard

In summer 2022, as the COVID pandemic restrictions for in-person meetings began to loosen, the Department, in partnership with the EVG-h Workgroup, sought to learn about the level of readiness of NCs and the comfort of Board Members concerning resuming governance of in-person meetings. To assess the needs, readiness, and preparedness of NC Board Members and their boards, a brief survey was developed in partnership with the Office of the Mayor and  CalState LA’s Social Equity Engagement geo-Data (SEED) Scholars Program. The results of this survey are detailed in the Neighborhood Council Return to In-Person Readiness Survey Story Map and Dashboard.

Hosting and Promoting Your Virtual Meetings

The EmpowerLA Neighborhood Council Virtual Governance Protocols (EVG Protocols), provides guidance for Neighborhood Councils to hold public meetings, in a virtual setting while adhering to the State of California, County of Los Angeles, and the City of Los Angeles decrees during the COVID-19 pandemic. This procedural guide was adapted from the procedures developed by the City’s Information Technology Agency (ITA), and follow the same procedures applied to City Council, Commission, and Committees meetings.

The City of Los Angeles and the Neighborhood Council System strive to have open, transparent and participatory meetings during this time, while still ensuring that members of the public, Neighborhood Council Board Members and City staff are kept safe and healthy. The City also strives to ensure equitable access for those who may not have ready access to online tools or who are covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Below are a set of EVG resources to help Neighborhood Councils run virtual meetings. In order to edit/customize each attachment, please DOWNLOAD the documents. Requesting access to edit the original document will not be granted.

EmpowerLA Virtual Governance (EVG) Protocols

Meeting Notices, Sample Agendas, and Cancellations templates – Virtual Meetings

Sample Meeting Script

Sample Meeting Script for Multiple Agenda Comment

Sample Cancellation Notice Agenda – Virtual Meeting

Ground Rules Suggestions

Required & Highly Recommended Agenda Language

Recommended Zoom Settings (frequently updated – track all updates in this document)

Below is a set of EVG resources to help Neighborhood Councils with the Agendas for In-Person and Teleconference meetings.  In order to edit/customize each attachment, please DOWNLOAD the documents using the ‘Instructions’ link.  Requesting access to edit the original documents will not be granted.

Sample Teleconference Meeting Agenda Template

Sample In-Person Meeting Agenda Template

Instructions on Downloading and Modifying the Sample Agendas

Below are a set of outreach resources to help Neighborhood Councils run virtual meetings. In order to edit/customize each attachment, please DOWNLOAD the documents. Requesting access to edit the original document will not be granted.

Outreach Strategies for NCs

Outreach Strategy Presentation

Zoom Facilitation Best Practices

How to Facilitate a Successful External Zoom Meeting

Zoom Participant Guidelines and Tips

NC Branding Best Practices

Neighborhood Council Resources

How to Use Canva Templates

Upgrade Your Parliamentarian Skills

The portal linked below takes you to a complete Robert’s Rules of Order education course especially designed for Neighborhood Councils by professional parliamentarians. The basics of Robert’s Rules of Order are covered here, and the material includes guidance on how to utilize parliamentary procedure in a virtual meeting setting. Resources available there include a video from the “EVG Phase I: Robert’s Rules Made Simple” webinars.

You must be a current NC board member to access the Training Portal – Please click the button below.

Please remember to use the email address registered with the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment in order to login to the Portal.

Need help getting access to the Robert’s Rules Made Simple portal? Contact

Below are a set of outreach resources to help Neighborhood Councils run virtual meetings. In order to edit/customize each attachment, please DOWNLOAD the documents. Requesting access to edit the original document will not be granted.

Voting Fact Sheet

Have questions about the EVG?

Your Neighborhood Empowerment Advocate (NEA) is your Neighborhood Council’s connection to the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment. If you’re a Neighborhood Council member and need help with your EVG questions, please contact your NEA for assistance. 

To find yours, select your NC’s name from the list at to open your NC’s EmpowerLA webpage. Your NEA’s name is listed under “Field Rep” on the right side of that page.