If you’re a Neighborhood Council board member, your Council’s Canva account is rolling out today! Canva is an online graphic design tool, and your account includes access to templates for popular Neighborhood Council outreach materials to increase awareness of your Council and promote your upcoming elections. Templates include light pole banners, lawn signs, bus shelter and bus bench ads (like the one shown above), trifold brochures, and more.

Even if you have no design experience, you’ll be able to use these templates to create polished-looking outreach materials in minutes, by adding your Council’s name, logo, and website to these designs. All your Council needs to do is pay for the printing!

Each Neighborhood Council has its own account, and these subscriptions will be available until June 14, 2019, when the Neighborhood Council election season ends. If you need access to your Council’s Canva account, please ask your board President or Chair to share the login information with you.


Getting started with Canva for Neighborhood Councils

To get started with Canva, check out our one-page guide, or our walk-through video that demonstrates how to edit one of these outreach templates and save it for printing.

One-page guide: https://neighborhoodempowerment.lacity.gov/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Canva-for-Neighborhood-Councils-one-sheet-guide.pdf

How-to video: https://youtu.be/3c8Q2QIYZ7A