
Pets in Rental Housing – FREE WORKSHOPS: November 2019

From the Housing + Community Investment Department and the Department of Animal Services Landlords and tenants are invited to our November workshops on rusbank.net, which will provide information on pets in rental housing and focus on tenant/landlord rights and responsibilities. The workshops will include information related to fair housing accommodations for service and companion animals, [...]

By |2022-08-20T03:37:59-07:00November 8th, 2019|Animal Services, Blog, Housing, Renters' Rights|Comments Off on Pets in Rental Housing – FREE WORKSHOPS: November 2019

Bird and Lime Offer Heavily Discounted Rider Rates on Scooters, E-Bikes to Homeless or Low Income Angelenos

Low income and homeless Angelenos can now get heavily discounted ridership rates by enrolling in programs offered by electric vehicle-sharing companies Bird and Lime.    Anyone who is currently enrolled in or eligible for a state or federal assistance program is able to participate in Bird’s “Bird Access” program, in order to use the company’s [...]

By |2022-08-20T03:39:06-07:00November 1st, 2019|Blog, Homeless Services, Homelessness|Comments Off on Bird and Lime Offer Heavily Discounted Rider Rates on Scooters, E-Bikes to Homeless or Low Income Angelenos

Remembering Dale Liebowitz-Neglia, Land Use Chair & Secretary of NC Valley Village

By Tony Braswell, President, Neighborhood Council Valley Village Long time Valley Village resident and NCVV Board member Dale Liebowitz-Neglia passed away last week after a long and heroic battle against cancer. Dale was first elected to the Neighborhood Council Valley Village Board of Directors in 2010.  Over almost ten years of service Dale held various [...]

By |2019-11-01T16:22:25-07:00October 31st, 2019|Blog, In Memoriam, Memorial|Comments Off on Remembering Dale Liebowitz-Neglia, Land Use Chair & Secretary of NC Valley Village

Neighborhood Councils Respond to LA Fires, Assist With Recovery Efforts

Neighborhood Councils have been instrumental in helping their communities recover from the recent LA-area fires, and plan ahead for future emergencies. Get inspired by their stories below - and if your NC has responded to these fires in some way, please make sure to let us know!   Bel Air-Beverly Crest Neighborhood Council invites anyone who [...]

By |2019-11-01T16:22:58-07:00October 31st, 2019|Blog, Disaster Preparedness, Emergency, Emergency Preparedness|Comments Off on Neighborhood Councils Respond to LA Fires, Assist With Recovery Efforts

Day of the Dead 2019 Celebrations in Los Angeles

Day of the Dead celebrations are happening all over Los Angeles this weekend! Here are some events sponsored by Neighborhood Councils, City Councilmembers, or the Department of Cultural Affairs. All events listed offer free admission for all ages: Through November 3 Grand Park Downtown Día de los Muertos Grand Park, 200 N. Grand Ave., Downtown [...]

By |2019-10-31T16:22:14-07:00October 31st, 2019|Arts & Culture, Blog, Events, uncategorised|Comments Off on Day of the Dead 2019 Celebrations in Los Angeles

Saddleridge Fire – Online Recovery Resources List

If you, your loved ones, or your business were impacted by the recent Saddleridge Fire, below is a list of all government and non-government agencies who can help you find answers to your questions and obtain recovery resources. City of Los Angeles Description of Services Recreation and Parks -Provide on-site resources and assistance, including childcare [...]

By |2019-10-25T15:45:45-07:00October 25th, 2019|Blog, Disaster Preparedness, Emergency|Comments Off on Saddleridge Fire – Online Recovery Resources List

City Council Motion Regarding Youth Participation on NC Boards

On October 25, 2019, the Los Angeles City Council took action directing the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance addressing 5 elements related to youth participation on NC boards. Neighborhood Councils will be able to file Community Impact Statements on this matter when the draft ordinance is introduced for its first reading. The intent is to [...]

By |2019-10-25T15:33:43-07:00October 25th, 2019|Blog, City Council, NC Reform|Comments Off on City Council Motion Regarding Youth Participation on NC Boards

New “Shelter At Home” program from LA Animal Services lets you care for found pets at home

Found a lost pet? Now you can get them onto the LA Animal Services website to help reconnect them to their owner, without turning the pet over to the shelter. Instead, those who find and file a report and photos about the lost pet can temporarily care for the pet in their own home, thanks [...]

By |2019-10-11T15:44:01-07:00October 11th, 2019|Animal Services, Blog|Comments Off on New “Shelter At Home” program from LA Animal Services lets you care for found pets at home

Dept of City Planning is holding info sessions on the LA’s new Home-Sharing Ordinance

From the Los Angeles Department of City Planning: The City Council adopted the Home-Sharing Ordinance (CF 14-1635-S2) in December of 2018. To prevent the wholesale conversion of homes into rental properties, the legislation establishes a regulatory framework to restrict short-term rentals to one's primary residence. The Home-Sharing Ordinance requires hosts who wish to engage in [...]

By |2019-10-11T15:42:27-07:00October 11th, 2019|Blog, City Planning|Comments Off on Dept of City Planning is holding info sessions on the LA’s new Home-Sharing Ordinance
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