
Mayor Garcetti Nominates Raquel Beltrán As General Manager Of The Department Of Neighborhood Empowerment

From the Office of Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti Raquel Beltrán LOS ANGELES — Mayor Eric Garcetti nominated Raquel Beltrán as the next General Manager of the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment (DONE). Beltrán is a longtime community leader who has served as the Associate Director for the Pat Brown Institute for Public Affairs [...]

By |2019-08-20T14:58:12-07:00August 16th, 2019|Blog, Los Angeles, Mayor / Mayor's Office|Comments Off on Mayor Garcetti Nominates Raquel Beltrán As General Manager Of The Department Of Neighborhood Empowerment

Mayor Garcetti Launches LA’s Green New Deal

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti unveiled LA’s Green New Deal this week - a series of practical steps toward creating a more sustainable Los Angeles by the year 2050. The Green New Deal LA will also serve as a global model for upholding the terms outlined in the Paris Agreement in a way that contributes [...]

By |2019-07-08T11:09:23-07:00April 30th, 2019|Blog, Jobs, Los Angeles, Mayor / Mayor's Office, Sustainability|Comments Off on Mayor Garcetti Launches LA’s Green New Deal

Congratulations to the EmpowerLA Award Winners!

Congratulations to the nominees and winners of the 2019 EmpowerLA Awards! The 2019 EmpowerLA Awards Ceremony was held Thursday, March 28 to honor the award recipients for their amazing accomplishments in the Neighborhood Council system. This year’s theme was “Building The Future of Civic Engagement”. City Controller Ron Galperin hosted the ceremony which was [...]

By |2019-07-08T11:09:37-07:00March 29th, 2019|Blog, EmpowerLA Awards, Los Angeles, Neighborhood Councils|Comments Off on Congratulations to the EmpowerLA Award Winners!

Share Your Vision with the Housing + Community Investment Dept

The Housing + Community Investment Dept (HCIDLA) invites you to discuss upcoming projects to improve quality of life and services in low and moderate income LA communities. These projects and programs include Eviction Defense for very low income Angelenos; expanded after-school services; the launch of a Children's Savings Account program; and infrastructure improvements. Everyone is [...]

By |2019-07-08T11:09:39-07:00March 8th, 2019|Blog, Los Angeles|Comments Off on Share Your Vision with the Housing + Community Investment Dept

MomsLA Features Tonia Knightner

Tonia Knightner of the Park Mesa Heights Community Council was featured this week in MomsLA's ongoing series on moms serving on their Neighborhood Councils. Besides being PMHCC Treasurer, Tonia is a realtor and the CEO and founder of A New Life 4 U Economic Development Corporation. She highlights the role of NCs in fostering an [...]

By |2019-07-08T11:09:40-07:00March 8th, 2019|Blog, Local Heroes, Los Angeles|Comments Off on MomsLA Features Tonia Knightner

Proposed Los Angeles Zoo Vision Plan Environmental Review Process

The City of Los Angeles Bureau of Engineering (BOE) is beginning the environmental review process for the proposed Los Angeles Zoo Vision Plan. The City has determined that an environmental impact report (EIR) is required. A Notice of Preparation (NOP) and Initial Study (IS), which describe the Los Angeles Zoo Vision Plan Project and the [...]

By |2019-01-25T12:55:55-08:00January 25th, 2019|Blog, LA Zoo, Los Angeles|Comments Off on Proposed Los Angeles Zoo Vision Plan Environmental Review Process

Renew You Los Angeles Business License Today!

From the Los Angeles Office of Finance Letters have gone out asking existing registered businesses to renew their #LosAngeles city business #tax registration. If you're 1 of the recipients, save time & renew online! Do it by 2/28/19 to be eligible for qualifying #taxexemptions. Renew now at https://latax.lacity.org/laweb/F-logon.jsp

By |2019-01-11T12:13:15-08:00January 11th, 2019|Blog, Los Angeles|Comments Off on Renew You Los Angeles Business License Today!

Volunteer for the Homeless Count

Every year, we conduct a census of the homeless population through the Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count. The Count helps us better understand homelessness in our region and direct resources where they’re needed most. We need at least 8,000 volunteers to canvas more than 80 cities and 200 communities across LA County. You can now register [...]

By |2018-12-14T14:35:25-08:00December 14th, 2018|Blog, Homelessness, Los Angeles|Comments Off on Volunteer for the Homeless Count

IgniteLA Wrapping Up

The last two weeks of IgniteLA, our students have been having discussions on intersectionality, the importance of knowing one's audience, and public speaking. We have also provided a candidate toolkit to those interested in running for Board Seats in the 2019 Neighborhood Council Elections. The students also had the opportunity to get an in-depth training [...]

By |2018-10-26T14:57:07-07:00October 26th, 2018|Blog, IgniteLA for Young Women, Los Angeles, Youth Engagement|Comments Off on IgniteLA Wrapping Up

Making L.A. the Age Friendliest City in America

LOS ANGELES - Controller Ron Galperin today released the first comprehensive catalog of services and programs throughout Los Angeles for older adults. The compilation, part of this report on a more strategic approach to providing services for older adults in Los Angeles, includes 242 programs for meals, housing, transportation, caregiving, classes and more throughout 14 [...]

By |2019-07-08T11:09:52-07:00October 5th, 2018|Aging, Blog, City Departments, Los Angeles|Comments Off on Making L.A. the Age Friendliest City in America
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