
This Week’s Pop-Up Polls: June 1st – June 8th

A list of Pop-Up Polls for the week of June 1 - 8th is below. If your neighborhood is having one this week, here’s a social media-friendly graphic you can use in your posts: Have a good Pop-Up Polling Place to suggest in your neighborhood? If your Council is having an online election, Pop-Up Polls [...]

By |2019-07-08T11:13:27-07:00June 1st, 2016|Blog, Neighborhood Council Elections, Online Voting|Comments Off on This Week’s Pop-Up Polls: June 1st – June 8th

This Week’s Pop-Up Polls: May 25th – 31st

Pop-Up Polls give voters more opportunities to vote, in addition to voting online and on Election Day. Here are this week's Pop-Up Polls: Wilmington Neighborhood Council Wednesday, May 25th 6 pm start time (open for at least 1 hour) Neighborhood Council Meeting 1371 Eubank Ave Wilmington 90744 Del Rey Neighborhood Council Wednesday, May 25th 6:30 [...]

By |2019-07-08T11:13:27-07:00May 25th, 2016|Blog, Neighborhood Council Elections, Online Voting|Comments Off on This Week’s Pop-Up Polls: May 25th – 31st

Where Is My Username & PIN?

Did you register to vote online, but haven't yet received a username and PIN to use to log into the voting system? There are three possible explanations : 1) Your registration was incomplete; 2) your registration is complete but not yet processed; or 3) your registration was completed but your login confirmation went into your [...]

By |2016-05-25T18:14:07-07:00May 25th, 2016|Blog, Neighborhood Council Elections, Online Voting|Comments Off on Where Is My Username & PIN?

Outreach Best Practices: Election Essentials To Share With Your Stakeholders

Increase voter turnout by giving your stakeholders clear, simple, and complete information about your upcoming Election. Here’s a guide to the Election essentials you can share and tips on the best way to share them. WHAT TO SHARE Your Election Homepage If you share just one thing with your voters, give them your Neighborhood Council’s [...]

By |2019-07-08T11:13:32-07:00May 18th, 2016|Blog, How-To, Neighborhood Council Elections, Online Voting, Outreach, Outreach Chairs|Comments Off on Outreach Best Practices: Election Essentials To Share With Your Stakeholders

This Week’s Pop-Up Polls: Wed May 18th – Tues May 24th

Pop-Up Polls dramatically increase access to Neighborhood Council Elections, as voters who can't make the date or time of your regular Election Day may be able to make it to one of our mobile voting stations in your area. Here are this week's Pop-Up Polls: Lincoln Heights Neighborhood Council Wednesday May 18th 3 pm - [...]

By |2019-07-08T11:13:33-07:00May 18th, 2016|Blog, Neighborhood Council Elections, Online Voting|Comments Off on This Week’s Pop-Up Polls: Wed May 18th – Tues May 24th

Creating Short Links: How to Shorten a URL

Long links eat up valuable space on printed flyers or in Twitter tweets. They’re also hard to remember if someone has to manually enter a URL they see in print or in a caption on a social media outlet like Instagram, which doesn’t allow clickable links. Avoid both issues by creating custom short links to [...]

By |2016-05-18T17:09:28-07:00May 18th, 2016|Blog, How-To, Neighborhood Council Elections, Online Voting, Outreach, Outreach Chairs, Tool Box|Comments Off on Creating Short Links: How to Shorten a URL

This Week’s Pop-Up Polls

Our mobile voting stations have been popping up all over the city with great results! Thanks to their excellent outreach and strategic planning, Downtown LA Neighborhood Council was able to get 646 people to vote early online, and some of their early voters cast their ballots at our Pop-Up Polls. Please help us spread the word [...]

By |2019-07-08T11:13:36-07:00May 11th, 2016|Blog, Neighborhood Council Elections, Online Voting|Comments Off on This Week’s Pop-Up Polls

Neighborhood Council Elections on Radio

Last Saturday night (5/7/16) Jay Handal, our Citywide Elections Administrator for the Neighborhood Council system, was the guest of radio show "Your Neighborhood Council" on AM870 The ANSWER. The show airs every Saturday night at 8pm. In this episode, Jay promotes Neighborhood Council elections and educates listeners on the Neighborhood Council system. Listen to the full audio clip [...]

By |2016-05-11T16:42:13-07:00May 11th, 2016|Blog, Election Chairs, Neighborhood Council Elections, Online Voting, Outreach Chairs|Comments Off on Neighborhood Council Elections on Radio

Register and Vote Anytime at EmpowerLA’s Office Pop-Up Poll!

If your Neighborhood Council is having online elections, you may register and vote at the Downtown Los Angeles City Hall Pop-Up Poll anytime from now up until your Neighborhood Council's Election Day. The EmpowerLA office Pop-Up Poll is open Monday through Friday, from 10 AM to 4 PM. Our address is below - pay us a visit, register, and [...]

By |2019-07-08T11:13:36-07:00May 11th, 2016|Blog, Neighborhood Council Elections, Online Voting|Comments Off on Register and Vote Anytime at EmpowerLA’s Office Pop-Up Poll!

New Pop-Up Polls Page + This Week’s Pop-Up Polls

Our new Pop-Up Polls webpage is up! Please visit to learn more about our innovative mobile voting process for this year's Elections, and to see a list of upcoming Pop-Up Poll events across the city. Make sure to follow the hashtag #PopUpPolls to find the exact location of our mobile voting booths, or to get [...]

By |2019-07-08T11:13:39-07:00May 4th, 2016|Blog, Neighborhood Council Elections, Online Voting|Comments Off on New Pop-Up Polls Page + This Week’s Pop-Up Polls
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