
Online Voting Press Release

Does your Neighborhood Council have an online election happening soon? Here’s a press release about online voting that you can share with your stakeholders and local press contacts, in order to educate your voters, and promote your upcoming election. The release explains how online voting works in this season’s Neighborhood Council Elections. The press release [...]

By |2019-07-08T11:13:23-07:00June 8th, 2016|Blog, Neighborhood Council Elections, Online Voting, Outreach Chairs|Comments Off on Online Voting Press Release

Outreach Best Practices: Fun Election Day Giveaways & Events From Los Feliz & South Robertson

Los Feliz Neighborhood Council Vice President Mark Mauceri sent us some great photos from their recent election, including the one above of three youngsters enjoying LFNC's polling place at Fire Station 35. The “Fire Chief” hats the girls are wearing have LFNC’s Election logo on them, and are an excellent Elections giveaway item for a [...]

By |2019-07-08T11:13:24-07:00June 8th, 2016|Blog, Neighborhood Council Elections, Outreach Chairs, uncategorised|Comments Off on Outreach Best Practices: Fun Election Day Giveaways & Events From Los Feliz & South Robertson

Passing the Baton for Outreach Chairs

Whether you’re an outgoing Outreach Committee Chair or a new one, login credentials, instructions for use and helpful hints should be passed down from one board to the next for any of the following assets your Neighborhood Council may have: Website Social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc) NextDoor account NationBuilder account Email list Templates [...]

By |2016-06-01T17:58:02-07:00June 1st, 2016|Blog, Election Chairs, Neighborhood Council Elections, Outreach Chairs, Tool Box|Comments Off on Passing the Baton for Outreach Chairs

Outreach Best Practices: Eagle Rock NC’s Election Promo Video & Election Day Activity Ideas

Eagle Rock Neighborhood Council got a great turnout at their polls last weekend! Check out their fun election promo video and creative Election Day activity ideas for inspiration for making your own Election Day an event that draws your community closer together. Election promo video Eagle Rock Neighborhood Council’s “Eagle Rock the Vote!” video gives a [...]

By |2019-07-08T11:13:28-07:00May 25th, 2016|Blog, Election Chairs, Neighborhood Council Elections, Outreach, Outreach Chairs, Tool Box|Comments Off on Outreach Best Practices: Eagle Rock NC’s Election Promo Video & Election Day Activity Ideas

How To Run Facebook Ads

  Facebook ads can boost your posts, promote your page, send people to your website, raise attendance at your events, and more. If your Neighborhood Council has a Facebook page, running advertisements during elections is a great outreach strategy. If your Neighborhood Council does not have a Facebook Page, learn how to make one here. [...]

By |2019-07-08T11:13:30-07:00May 25th, 2016|Blog, Neighborhood Council Elections, Outreach Chairs, Tool Box|Comments Off on How To Run Facebook Ads

Outreach Best Practices: Election Essentials To Share With Your Stakeholders

Increase voter turnout by giving your stakeholders clear, simple, and complete information about your upcoming Election. Here’s a guide to the Election essentials you can share and tips on the best way to share them. WHAT TO SHARE Your Election Homepage If you share just one thing with your voters, give them your Neighborhood Council’s [...]

By |2019-07-08T11:13:32-07:00May 18th, 2016|Blog, How-To, Neighborhood Council Elections, Online Voting, Outreach, Outreach Chairs|Comments Off on Outreach Best Practices: Election Essentials To Share With Your Stakeholders

Creating Short Links: How to Shorten a URL

Long links eat up valuable space on printed flyers or in Twitter tweets. They’re also hard to remember if someone has to manually enter a URL they see in print or in a caption on a social media outlet like Instagram, which doesn’t allow clickable links. Avoid both issues by creating custom short links to [...]

By |2016-05-18T17:09:28-07:00May 18th, 2016|Blog, How-To, Neighborhood Council Elections, Online Voting, Outreach, Outreach Chairs, Tool Box|Comments Off on Creating Short Links: How to Shorten a URL

Neighborhood Council Elections on Radio

Last Saturday night (5/7/16) Jay Handal, our Citywide Elections Administrator for the Neighborhood Council system, was the guest of radio show "Your Neighborhood Council" on AM870 The ANSWER. The show airs every Saturday night at 8pm. In this episode, Jay promotes Neighborhood Council elections and educates listeners on the Neighborhood Council system. Listen to the full audio clip [...]

By |2016-05-11T16:42:13-07:00May 11th, 2016|Blog, Election Chairs, Neighborhood Council Elections, Online Voting, Outreach Chairs|Comments Off on Neighborhood Council Elections on Radio

Outreach Best Practices: Cheap & Easy Elections Flyer Templates

Last week we talked about how to get your Elections Outreach seen. This week, we want to share easy-to-use Elections flyer templates made in common formats that can be edited on most computers. The templates are available in both Google Docs (English and Spanish) and Microsoft Word (English and Spanish).  Google Docs is a free program, [...]

By |2019-07-08T11:13:37-07:00May 11th, 2016|Blog, Election Chairs, Neighborhood Council Elections, Outreach Chairs, Tool Box|Comments Off on Outreach Best Practices: Cheap & Easy Elections Flyer Templates

Outreach Best Practices: Get Your Election Outreach Seen

What's the best way to ensure your Election outreach gets seen by as many stakeholders as possible? Location, location, location! Put your Election posters and flyers where the majority of your stakeholders will see them. One of the most effective ways to promote your Election is to place your outreach material at locations that are [...]

By |2016-05-04T14:37:00-07:00May 4th, 2016|Blog, Neighborhood Council Elections, Outreach, Outreach Chairs|Comments Off on Outreach Best Practices: Get Your Election Outreach Seen
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