
Share Your Neighborhood Council Story

What hot-topic issues has your Neighborhood Council had an impact on in your community? Share your story with us for a chance to be featured in story pitches to local news outlets interested in covering the 2019 Neighborhood Council elections. Fill out this form to submit your story for consideration: http://bit.ly/NCStoriesSubmission

Open Data success story: MacArthur Park NC uses Clean Streets index to place new trashcans

MacArthur Park Neighborhood Council recently purchased 24 trashcans for a Community Improvement Project, and were able to immediately apply what they learned at one of our Open Data Trainings to determine the best placement for their new trashcans. Open data helps make government more accessible, trustworthy and transparent. As defined by OpenDataHandbook.org, "Open data is [...]

By |2019-07-08T11:10:12-07:00August 24th, 2018|Blog, Clean Streets, Open Data, Open Data Literacy Program, Outreach|Comments Off on Open Data success story: MacArthur Park NC uses Clean Streets index to place new trashcans

Panorama City Cleanup Event Recap

On March 24th, the Panorama City Neighborhood Council and Panorama City Neighborhood Council Youth Committee teamed up with Council District 6 and the Daisy Girl Scouts Troop 2516 for a community cleanup around the Panorama City Branch - Los Angeles Public Library. Trash and bulky items were picked up along Van Nuys and Roscoe Boulevards, and on Chase Street and Wakefield Avenue. Participants also [...]

By |2019-07-08T11:11:02-07:00April 3rd, 2018|Blog, Clean Streets, Events, NCs Making a Difference|Comments Off on Panorama City Cleanup Event Recap

Neighborhood Beautification – Harbor City Alley Cleanup

Every little bit helps! Recently, the Harbor City Neighborhood Council, in partnership with the Narbonne High School Key Club, warmed up for their engagement with City of Los Angeles’ Clean Streets Challenge by cleaning up a neighborhood alley long overdue of some TLC. Board members, students, and parents showed up bright and early and worked [...]

By |2017-09-29T11:33:52-07:00September 29th, 2017|Blog, Civic Youth, Clean Streets, How-To, Public Works, Youth Engagement|Comments Off on Neighborhood Beautification – Harbor City Alley Cleanup

Share Your Clean Streets photos!

Is your NC participating in the Clean Streets LA Challenge??? Don't forget to share your group photos, action shots, and stories of your clean up activities by submitting them here: Click Here. Visit this web page for other ways to engage as a Clean Streets advocate: Click Here

By |2016-11-01T11:55:38-07:00November 1st, 2016|Blog, City Departments, Clean Streets, Public Works|Comments Off on Share Your Clean Streets photos!

Clean Streets LA Challenge

Hello NC Public Works Liaisons and Neighborhood Clean-Up Leaders! The Board of Public Works is asking for Neighborhood Councils’ help in cleaning up our neighborhoods by announcing the below Clean Streets LA Challenge! Mayor Eric Garcetti, the City Council, the Innovation & Performance Commission, the Board of Public Works, and the Department of Public Works [...]

By |2016-09-23T13:47:50-07:00September 23rd, 2016|Blog, City Departments, Clean Streets, NCs Making a Difference, Public Works, Regional/Citywide NC Orgs.|Comments Off on Clean Streets LA Challenge

Another Neighborhood Council Recognized for their Clean Streets efforts!

Today the Board of Public Works recognized Rosie Brown from the United Neighborhoods Neighborhood Council as a Clean Streets Hero for her exceptional leadership, support, and engagement with connecting Angelenos with city services that help increase neighborhood cleanliness including Free Bulky Item Pick-Up, Graffiti Removal, and MyLA 311. There to introduce and support her were [...]

By |2019-07-08T11:13:03-07:00August 18th, 2016|Blog, Clean Streets, Public Works|Comments Off on Another Neighborhood Council Recognized for their Clean Streets efforts!

GM’s Message 07.29.16

I hope our newsletter finds you well. The Neighborhood Council Budget Day is tomorrow! We're moving up to City Council Chambers this year and will be joined by Controller Ron Galperin, who is a former Neighborhood Council Budget Advocate, City Council President Herb Wesson and City Council Budget & Finance Chair, Councilmember Paul Krekorian. They [...]

By |2019-07-08T11:13:05-07:00July 29th, 2016|Blog, City Departments, Clean Streets, GM Message|Comments Off on GM’s Message 07.29.16

NCSA: Environmental Advocacy

Written by Pat Kramer. Neighborhood Council Sustainability Alliance Gives L.A. Residents a Chance to Get Involved in Environmental Advocacy On July 9th, 2016, the Neighborhood Council Sustainability Alliance invited all of the neighborhood councils in the City of Los Angeles to an open meeting to share concerns about environmental issues in their specific area. The [...]

By |2019-07-08T11:13:06-07:00July 22nd, 2016|Blog, Clean Streets, Regional/Citywide NC Orgs.|Comments Off on NCSA: Environmental Advocacy

GM’s Message 06.24.16

I hope our newsletter finds you well. Congratulations to the Neighborhood Councils on their elections and selections for 2016! We wrapped this election cycle last Saturday in South Los Angeles. It takes an incredible amount of work to conduct the elections. HUGE thanks to our awesome Elections Team, led by our Director of Outreach and [...]

By |2019-07-08T11:13:18-07:00June 24th, 2016|Blog, City Departments, Civic Youth, Clean Streets, Public Works|Comments Off on GM’s Message 06.24.16
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