
Neighborhood Council Spotlight: News from Harbor Gateway North + Valley Village

We're launching a new NC Spotlight series on our blog and in our newsletter to highlight some of the great achievements of Neighborhood Councils and board members across the City! Check out this week's news below from Harbor Gateway North NC and NC Valley Village. If you're interested in submitting your own NC highlights for inclusion, we'd [...]

By |2019-07-08T11:09:23-07:00May 3rd, 2019|Blog, Local Heroes, NC Success Story, NCs Making a Difference, Sustainability|Comments Off on Neighborhood Council Spotlight: News from Harbor Gateway North + Valley Village

Mayor Garcetti Launches LA’s Green New Deal

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti unveiled LA’s Green New Deal this week - a series of practical steps toward creating a more sustainable Los Angeles by the year 2050. The Green New Deal LA will also serve as a global model for upholding the terms outlined in the Paris Agreement in a way that contributes [...]

By |2019-07-08T11:09:23-07:00April 30th, 2019|Blog, Jobs, Los Angeles, Mayor / Mayor's Office, Sustainability|Comments Off on Mayor Garcetti Launches LA’s Green New Deal

Help L.A. win the City Nature Challenge!

The Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County and the California Academy of Sciences are getting ready for the 2019 City Nature Challenge! Over 130 cities from around the world are gearing up to compete against L.A., to see which city can find the most nature. Last year San Francisco won, so we need all [...]

By |2019-04-12T14:30:20-07:00April 12th, 2019|Blog, Sustainability|Comments Off on Help L.A. win the City Nature Challenge!

Plastic Straws Are Only Available By Request in LA, Beginning On Earth Day

Plastic pollution is a big problem for our oceans and waterways. Plastics do not break down in the environment, but instead break up into smaller pieces, which are ingested by marine life and poison, starve or suffocate them. To reduce the harmful effects of plastic pollution, the City of Los Angeles has adopted a plastic Straws-on-Request Ordinance to encourage everyone to [...]

By |2019-04-12T14:21:32-07:00April 12th, 2019|Blog, Sanitation, Sustainability|Comments Off on Plastic Straws Are Only Available By Request in LA, Beginning On Earth Day

Get Free Trees from City Plants + Read Their Urban Forestry Report

It's easy to be green thanks to the work of organizations like City Plants, a non-profit running a public-private partnership between the City of LA and six other non-profit organizations. Together they work with Neighborhood Councils, community groups, residents, and businesses to coordinate tree planting and care throughout LA. Spring is the perfect time to [...]

By |2019-07-08T11:09:25-07:00April 11th, 2019|Blog, Sustainability|Comments Off on Get Free Trees from City Plants + Read Their Urban Forestry Report

Share Your Neighborhood Council Story

What hot-topic issues has your Neighborhood Council had an impact on in your community? Share your story with us for a chance to be featured in story pitches to local news outlets interested in covering the 2019 Neighborhood Council elections. Fill out this form to submit your story for consideration: http://bit.ly/NCStoriesSubmission

Updates on Developing LA’s Urban Forest Management Plan

For the past year, a grant from Cal Fire and the US Forest Service has funded the development of an updated Urban Forest Management Plan for Los Angeles. Recommendations for the updated plan have been contributed by a working group of City officials and staff (including members of the Neighborhood Council Sustainability Alliance) in partnership [...]

By |2019-07-08T11:09:45-07:00December 14th, 2018|Blog, Sustainability|Comments Off on Updates on Developing LA’s Urban Forest Management Plan

LA Stormwater Video: Why Is Litter So Scary?

Halloween is just around the corner, so here's a treat you won't want to miss! Check out this video from LA Stormwater - the City's watershed protection program - to learn the scary truth about litter and what YOU can do to prevent pollution this season. Share this video with your Neighborhood Council and stay [...]

By |2018-10-26T14:57:24-07:00October 26th, 2018|Blog, Sustainability|Comments Off on LA Stormwater Video: Why Is Litter So Scary?

NC Sustainability Alliance Workshop: Great Green Space for a Climate-Smart LA (Aug 25)

story by NCSA Want to help your neighborhood maximize green space and be more climate resilient? Want to make the best and most equitable use of Measure A and Prop 68 funds for local parks? Join the Neighborhood Council Sustainability Alliance (NCSA) for a hands-on workshop with Fernando Cazares of the Trust for Public Land on how to make [...]

By |2019-07-08T11:10:13-07:00August 17th, 2018|Blog, Resiliency, Sustainability|Comments Off on NC Sustainability Alliance Workshop: Great Green Space for a Climate-Smart LA (Aug 25)

How to Build a Resilient LA: Civic U recap

story and photos by Aparna Mukherjee Expect the Unexpected: Building a Resilient LA, Block by Block Imagine surviving a natural disaster with no cell phone and being forced to live in your backyard for weeks, awaiting word on if it’s safe for you and your family to sleep in your house again. For EmpowerLA's John [...]

By |2019-07-08T11:10:13-07:00August 17th, 2018|Blog, Emergency Preparedness, Resiliency, Sustainability|Comments Off on How to Build a Resilient LA: Civic U recap
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