
GM’s Message 04.07.17

I hope our newsletter finds you well. Our Neighborhood Councils are having some awesome events for their community. I was happy to stop by the Northwest San Pedro Neighborhood Council’s Pathways to Employment day last Saturday for high school youth.

They offered classes on different work careers, resume workshops and the ability to connect with City and business representatives. I sat in one class on gamefication and another on careers in computer science.  So great!  We also tabled at the event to recruit for our Neighborhood Council Civic Youth class this summer. If you know any youth aged 16-24 years old, please have them apply to learn amazing skills in leadership and advocacy.

I was happy to join the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners on Tuesday to celebrate the 15 year anniversaries of Venice Neighborhood Council, Westside Neighborhood Council and Neighborhood Council Westchester/Playa.

It was wonderful to recognize them for the achievements. I was also thrilled to introduce them and the Commissioners to our new Neighborhood Council Advocates, who started training this week.  A HUGE welcome to Brett Shears (Empowerment Congress North Neighborhood Council), Gibson Nyambura (recently with Council District 7), John Darnell (recently with Council District 5), Mary Kim (East Hollywood Neighborhood Council) and Vanessa Serrano (Pacoima Neighborhood Council)! We’re very excited to have them join the team and bring their expertise in supporting the Neighborhood Councils.

Aside from training up for their positions, our new staff also assisted in our subdivision elections, which was all consuming this week.  We held the forming  Skid Row Neighborhood Council election yesterday, which was a combination of online voting and at polls.  We had 1590 votes with 1388 voting online and an amazing 60% of our online registered voters participating.  The unofficial results are 764 yes for subdivision and 826 no for subdivision.  It was an amazing effort on both sides, and we will be doing a final report back on subdivision after we hold the forming  Hermon Neighborhood Council election tomorrow. SO thankful to all of our staff who worked on these subdivision elections, particularly Stephen Box and Mike Fong, and to the forming committees and Neighborhood Councils!

Tomorrow, PlanCheckNC will be hosting a workshop on the Assistant Zoning Administrator Decision-Making Process and Neighborhood Councils Influencing the Decision.  I’ll be stopping by the Glassell Park Neighborhood Council’s Dog Walk event co-sponsored by Councilmember Gil Cedillo.

before heading over to the forming Hermon Neighborhood Council election.  Also, the Chatsworth Neighborhood Council is holding its famous 14th annual Day of the Horse celebration on Sunday. If I don’t see you, have a wonderful weekend!

By |2019-07-08T11:12:28-07:00April 7th, 2017|Blog, GM Message|Comments Off on GM’s Message 04.07.17

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