Are you making your list and checking it twice? We aren’t talking about your holiday gift list. Rather, each Neighborhood Council President or Chair should create their elected leaders’ contact list. This list should be composed of your city, county and statewide representatives who you will reach out to, during your 2016 Neighborhood Council Election.
It is up to the President/Chair to support, reiterate, and broadcast the election message to stakeholders and influencers. Taking an active role to call and meet with community leaders to get them on board to carry your Neighborhood Council election message and outreach via their website, emails, newsletters, meetings, etc. is very important in broadening the success of your election outreach.
To see a list of your elected officials, public safety services, and other local services, go to:
Here is a short list of what you can do once you make the connection:
- Share your Election news with them weekly and the importance of community engagement
- Provide the Elections Timeline and key dates, times, locations (i.e. Voter Registration, Candidate Registration, Candidate Rally and Forum(s), Election Date and Election Party).
- Ask them to promote the Elections timeline and news via their social media, email marketing, public meetings, event calendar, and website.
Note: Make it easy for any of your contacts to do the outreach by providing them with a copy, images/artwork and timing of when you want that outreach sent out.
If you have any questions, suggestions, or comments please email 818-293-VOTE (8683).