Workshops guide; parking passes; what to bring; what to wear & how to get there
The 2016 Congress of Neighborhoods is happening this Saturday, September 24th, at Los Angeles City Hall, and we hope to see you there. Over 700 Neighborhood Council members and some of LA’s top officials – such as Mayor Eric Garcetti, who delivers the closing address –
Last Call For Registration
If you have not yet registered for the NC Congress, today is your last opportunity to do so! Make sure to sign up before you attend, in order to guarantee you smooth passage past security at the door, and access to the delicious catered breakfast and lunch served at the Congress. Register now at
Detailed Workshops Guide Now Available
Navigate the Congress easily with your smartphone using our mobile-friendly Workshops guide, located at It lists class times, classroom numbers and detailed descriptions for each workshop and discussion panel offered at the Congress. Make sure to bookmark the page on your phone’s browser, so you can use it to get around on Saturday!
Parking, Map & Public Transit
Parking, maps and travel information – including public transit info – for the Congress is located here:
Parking is free at City Hall if you have an NC Congress parking pass. If you haven’t yet printed the parking pass linked in your registration confirmation email, just download, print, and bring the parking pass on this page with you (click the image to download). Entrance to the parking garage is located on Los Angeles Street between Temple and First.
The nearest subway station is Civic Center, located across Grand Park from City Hall. (Please note the public entrance is on the other side of the building from the station, facing Main Street.)
What To Bring & Wear
Most people at the Congress wear business-casual clothing. Make sure you wear comfortable shoes that won’t slip on the highly polished marble floors at City Hall!
Don’t forget to bring your business cards; a notebook and pen; and your parking pass. A bottle of water is also helpful.
When To Arrive & How To Get In
The public entrance to City Hall is located at 200 N Main Street on the east side of the building. (Signs and volunteers will direct you in from the parking garage.)
While we hope you’ll stay the full day, you are welcome to attend as much or as little of the Congress as you are able – see the complete event schedule here:
Though you determine your own attendance schedule, many Congress goers arrive in the morning, whether they get in just in time for the first workshops at 9:25 am, or arrive early to enjoy the delicious catered breakfast served on the patio overlooking Grand Park from 7:45 – 8:30 am. The Congress draws over 700 attendees each year, so please allow 30 minutes to park; get through security; and pick up your badge on Congress day – especially if you plan to arrive in the morning.
Los Angeles City Hall and the meeting rooms used for this year’s Congress are all fully accessible. The public entrance at 200 N Main Street – where all Congress attendees must enter – has ramp access. If you need additional assistance, please write us at
Spanish, Korean, and American Sign Language (ASL) language services will be provided at this year’s Congress.
See you Saturday!