Whether you’re an outgoing Outreach Committee Chair or a new one, login credentials, instructions for use and helpful hints should be passed down from one board to the next for any of the following assets your Neighborhood Council may have:
- Website
- Social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc)
- NextDoor account
- NationBuilder account
- Email list
- Templates for newsletters; press releases; social media posts or website items
- About Us blurb for your Neighborhood Council
- Templates for event flyers or posters
- Event planning assets, such as lists of vendors, venues, or items commonly purchased to use at or to promote events
Whoever currently manages your NationBuilder account, such as your existing Outreach or Election Chairs should be able to add new users to your Council’s account. However, if you need help accessing your NationBuilder or NextDoor accounts, EmpowerLA’s Communications team can assist. Send us an email at communications@neighborhoodempowerment.lacity.gov that includes your name; your Neighborhood Council; and your role on your Council so we may help you. EmpowerLA does not have access to any other login credentials for individual Councils, such as your website; email list; or social media accounts.