This exhibit has been created in celebration of the hard work the Neighborhood Council board members have done over the last 25 years.
Downtown Los Angeles Neighborhood Council
Downtown Los Angeles Neighborhood Council was given the 2017 Neighborhood Planning Award by the LA chapter of the American Planning Association for their Vision Downtown project. Here is an except from the speech of City Planner Bryan Eck, who presented the award:
Glassell Park Neighborhood Council
Glassell Park Neighborhood Council's Planning 101 class educates stakeholders about how to navigate LA's City Planning system. (Photo by Marge Piane.)
Department of City Planning
The Department of City Planning offers City Planning 101 classes at locations across Los Angeles. Admission is free and everyone is welcome to attend. Watch their Facebook page for future events near you:
Sylmar Neighborhood Council
Sylmar Neighborhood Council (2015 EmpowerLA Award) partnered with local equestrian organizations to organize Make Your Horse Count Day - an annual event central to the maintenance of the K land use zone, which upholds standards that make an area suitable for keeping horses.(Photo via Sylmar Neighborhood Council website.)
Neighborhood Council Valley Village
Neighborhood Council Valley Village created an illustrated and detailed Architectural Design Standards guide that they use to guide developers proposing projects in their area. The style guide allows NCVV to take a proactive stance in their land use and planning negotiations, and helps developers create projects better-suited to the aesthetic and needs of the neighborhood. See the Valley Village style guide here:
Harbor Gateway North Neighborhood Council
Harbor Gateway North Neighborhood Council won a 2012 EmpowerLA Award for opposing negative environmental and health impact of proposed development under the local freeway. Thanks to their advocacy, the Harbor Area Planning Commission denied the zone change that would have allowed this to take place.
Land use issues are significant catalysts for engagement. Neighborhood Councils play a tremendous role in citywide planning, zoning, revising code and partnering with City Planning to ensure that stakeholders are informed and active in the process of preserving our past and planning for our future while enjoying the present.
Since its establishment in 1999, the Los Angeles Department of Neighborhood Empowerment has grown into the nation’s largest and most innovative initiative in civic engagement and citizen-based government through the “EmpowerLA” movement. With a network of 99 Neighborhood Councils, Los Angeles promotes public participation in government and works to improve government responsiveness to local concerns. Visit to learn more about how the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment supports Neighborhood Councils and Angelenos citywide.