The City Council Health, Education and Neighborhood Council Committee met on Tuesday, January 23rd, to discuss several Neighborhood Council issues. After hearing the report of Department of Neighborhood Empowerment General Manager, Grayce Liu’s summary of EmpowerLA’s Fiscal Year 2018-2019 budget proposal, Committee Chair David Ryu and Co-Chair Gil Cedillo were concerned about Neighborhood Council 2019 election outreach. GM Liu stated that she would be collaborating with the Office of the City Clerk to conduct election town halls to receive Neighborhood Council feedback on outreach ideas. She planned to use the feedback to create an outreach plan to begin executing in April with the $106,000 in election outreach funding EmpowerLA has this year.
Regarding Neighborhood Council subdivision (CF-12-1681-S1), the Committee heard the EmpowerLA report backon subdivision with the request to allow for online voting for any subdivision applications that make it to the election process and for the subdivision ordinance to be changed per the recommendations of the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners. They will take action on the recommendations in 2 weeks.
The Committee also heard EmpowerLA’s report back on funding for Neighborhood Council translation (CF 17-0600-S41), and it’s recommendation that all unused Neighborhood Council funds be set aside each year in a special fund for translation, outreach and capacity building. They asked the CAO to prepare a report back in 60 days on the feasibility of this option.