This exhibit has been created in celebration of the hard work the Neighborhood Council board members have done over the last 25 years.
Neighborhood Council Valley Village
Neighborhood Council Valley Village was awarded half a million dollars in Quimby Grant money and matching funds to redesign the Valley Village Park picnic area and playground, and add increased security lighting throughout the park. When complete, the park was rededicated by the NCVV board and stakeholders, alongside the Department of Recreation and Parks, City Council District 2, and members of the California State Assembly.
Historic Highland Park and Eagle Rock Neighborhood Councils
Historic Highland Park and Eagle Rock Neighborhood Councils joined together to care for street trees in their area.
United Neighborhoods Neighborhood Council
United Neighborhoods Neighborhood Council worked with City Council District 10 and the State of California to revitalize Leslie N. Shaw Park. Named for the first African American Postmaster ever appointed in a major US City, Los Angeles Postmaster Leslie Shaw, the park is the only green public space in the Jefferson Park area. The Dorsey High School drill team were among the entertainers featured at the grand re-opening festival for the park. (Photo via UNNC website.)
Mid City West Community Council
Mid City West Community Council won a 2016 EmpowerLA award for their revitalization of Rosewood Garden. (Photo via Mid City West Facebook.)
Reseda Neighborhood Council
Reseda Neighborhood Council won a 2016 EmpowerLA Award for their creation and maintenance of a local event center, the Reseda Neighborhood Council Community Space on Sherman Way. Local organizations may apply to the Council for permission to use the space, which is provided to qualified applicants free of charge.
Harbor City Neighborhood Council
Harbor City helped revitalize the Harbor's Ken Malloy Park, together with the Department of Parks and Recreation. Four Harbor City board members sat on the Park Advisory Board, and the Neighborhood Council continues to actively participate in park programming.
Downtown Los Angeles Neighborhood Council
Downtown Los Angeles Neighborhood Council won a 2013 EmpowerLA Award for bringing Spring Street Park plus two additional parklets to the downtown core.
Neighborhood Councils have established or revitalized local public spaces ranging from neighborhood parks to community meeting places. Through community improvement projects, many Councils strive to make their neighborhoods beautiful and inviting to all.
Since its establishment in 1999, the Los Angeles Department of Neighborhood Empowerment has grown into the nation’s largest and most innovative initiative in civic engagement and citizen-based government through the “EmpowerLA” movement. With a network of 99 Neighborhood Councils, Los Angeles promotes public participation in government and works to improve government responsiveness to local concerns. Visit to learn more about how the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment supports Neighborhood Councils and Angelenos citywide.