Alliance of River Communities

The Alliance of River Communities (ARC) is a coalition of 17 neighborhood councils including: Arroyo Seco, Atwater Village, Boyle Heights, Cypress Park, Echo Park, Elysian Valley, Glassell Park, Highland Park, Historic LA (North and South), Silver Lake, Los Feliz, Eagle Rock, Lincoln Heights, LA 32, Montecito Heights and Rampart Village.
We provide NC’s with opportunities to learn about land use issues affecting the Northeast and Central regions of Los Angeles. We invite agencies involved in creating new urban parks on brownfields, and the planning department who is permitting market rate housing—to discuss their policies and programs and projects and our concerns. We always invite the public, community organizations, and stakeholders to share their concerns. Our purpose is to educate and empower neighborhood council members and stakeholders about the LA River/Flood Control Channel and land use and planning issues in our region.
Please take a look at the Resource Folder to find the most current agendas and flyers.
Facebook: Alliance of River Communities (ARC) – Official
Meeting: First Tuesday of the month, 7 pm
Meeting Address:
Cornfields State
Historic Park
1245 N. Spring Street,
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Due to the Covid 19
meetings are currently
taking place on ZOOM.