2025 Neighborhood Council Elections

88 of Los Angeles’ 99 Neighborhood Councils are having elections this season! All Neighborhood Council elections will be vote by mail. Elections are held on different regional dates through June 2025.

When is my Neighborhood Council Election?

Neighborhood Council elections happen on 12 different regional timelines over a six-month cycle. This election cycle there will be Vote-By-Mail ballots which are postage paid but must be requested ahead of time, online or by mail. Look up your Neighborhood Council’s election timeline, including when to file for candidacy, when to request your vote-by-mail ballot, and when to return your ballot by:

Be A Candidate

Candidate Info Sessions

Join us on Zoom to learn tips for candidate filing, running a successful campaign, and connecting with voters. See session dates + RSVP to get info to join online or by phone:

Apply Online

Candidate applications open a few months before an Neighborhood Council’s Election Day. Visit City Clerk’s candidate webpage to apply to run starting in mid-November!

When to Apply

Neighborhood Council elections are held on 12 regional dates between November 2024 and June 2025. Look up your Neighborhood Council’s candidate filing deadline here:

How & When to Vote

All Neighborhood Council elections this season will be vote by mail. Ballots must be requested in advance, and will include pre-paid postage to return. 

When to Vote

Vote by mail and make your voice heard! Vote by mail ballots must be requested a few weeks prior to your Neighborhood Council’s Election Day.

How to Vote

Vote-By-Mail ballots are only available by request – get yours via the button below. Requests close a few weeks before Election Day, to allow processing time. Postmark your postage-paid ballot by your Election Day, or drop it off at a Neighborhood Council Election drop box location.

Where to Vote

All Neighborhood Council Elections will be vote by mail. Return your ballot via USPS mail, or find a drop box in your community! A full map of Neighborhood Council elections drop boxes will be coming soon.

Who’s Running?

Meet the candidates for your Neighborhood Council! Use the button below and select your Neighborhood Council from the drop-down menu to access candidate statements and photos.

See Who Won

Results are available 2 weeks after your Neighborhood Council’s Election Day.  Use the button below and select your Neighborhood Council from the list:

Neighborhood Council Elections Outreach & Engagement Resources

Election Engagement Plan Town Hall

In September 2024, EmpowerLA hosted a virtual town hall to kick off the 2024-25 Neighborhood Council Elections season and share our plan to support Neighborhood Council elections. 

EmpowerLA 2024-2025 Elections Engagement Plan

EmpowerLA has drafted an engagement plan that both outlines our planned efforts to support Neighborhood Councils during the election season, as well as details resources and opportunities for Neighborhood Councils to leverage during their election cycle. 

Tools and Resources for the 2024-2025 Neighborhood Council Elections

EmpowerLA has developed a series of toolkits for Neighborhood Councils, City Departments, and trusted community partners to get the word out about the Neighborhood Council elections. These toolkits provide general and regionally specific information about candidate filing, voter applications, vote by mail deadlines, and more!

Outreach Materials for Neighborhood Councils & Candidates

Awareness & Engagement Resources for Outreach Leaders

EmpowerLA has curated and designed flyers, outreach guides and templates, event promotion materials, community engagement best practices, recruitment materials, presentations, resources and so much more to empower your outreach during every stage of the election cycle! 

Who’s on a Neighborhood Council?

While Neighborhood Council board members are volunteers, they are public officials elected by the members of their community. Most board members serve two-year terms; a few Neighborhood Councils have four-year terms. 

Who can run or vote?

Unlike other city, state, or federal elections, voting and being a candidate in Neighborhood Council (NC) elections is open to more than just the residents of a community. Participation is open to those who live, work, or own property or a business within an NC’s boundaries, as well as to “community interest stakeholders,” such as church members, local students (or parents of students), or members of local service organizations.

Candidates and voters need not be US citizens or legal residents to qualify. Participation is also open to the formerly incarcerated. The minimum age to vote is 16; the minimum age to run for most NC seats is 18, except for Youth Seat candidates, who may be between the ages of 14-17.

Where is my Neighborhood Council?

To find your Neighborhood Council, enter your address in the search bar on this map, then click the colored area of your location to see your Neighborhood Council name and corresponding information.